About Me

Hi there! I'm Joey -- welcome to my personal website!

I am a software engineer at VMware and an Occidental College graduate who majored in computer science. Like most people from the PNW, I am a big fan of nature and the outdoors. So, if I'm not coding, you'll most likely find me hiking up a mountain or something.

Work experience


In the summer of 2022, I joined VMware full time!


In the summer of 2021, I worked on the Tanzu GemFire for Kubernetes team, using Golang, Docker, Kubernetes, and test-driven development to allow a distributed, in-memory database to run in containerized software.


In the summer of 2020, I interned at a cloud BI company called Promethium in Menlo Park, California. There, I worked primarily on the company's backend infrastructure, developing various APIs to improve current feature components. One of the prototypes, an AWS Lambda Stepfunction to initialize the execution and retrieval of SQL query results via Presto, was selected to be the primary infrastucture for which asynchronous SQL queries were run in production environments, enabling users to perform long-running queries with 2x faster execution times. I also developed a web application that visualizes status of 10+ repository pipelines and code coverage at a glance.

After this internship, I received a return offer to intern again in the spring of 2021. This time around, I worked on creating the multi-tenant capable, free trial offering of Promethium. Throughout the internship, I worked on both the frontend and backend, envisioned the infrastructure design, developed a multi-tenant ELT pipeline using AWS AppFlow, AWS Glue, Snowflake, and Redash to serve as a 10x cheaper alternative to Presto, integrated it with the company's SSO, and demoed product iterations to the CEO and VP of Marketing. By the end of the internship, the prototype was approved to be integrated into production.

Occidental College

During the summer of 2019, I interned at Occidental College, developing applications that automate and accelerate the various facets of web research conducted by the Department of Advancement Services. Working with a 100,000+ constituent filled database, I used a Python Oracle Database client, Selenium, and BeautifulSoup to identify 300+ undetected alums currently working at companies with matching gift programs, find 50+ deceased alums not yet labeled via named-entity recognition and cross-references with ~30,000 alums, and create a script to visualizes the shortest path of relatedness between any two school affiliates.

What excites me about tech!

There are a lot of things about the future of technology that excite me, and it's hard to pick just one. While advancements will continue to be made, I find the collaborative spirit behind which these advancements are shared to be far more uplifting. A world where libraries and datasets are open sourced, and data collection policies are made transparent, is a better world for everyone involved. As the former Co-President of Oxy Open Source, Occidental's computer science club, I got to act on this excitement everyday, cultivating open-source projects that span across multiple academic departments, and organizing spaces for students to freely collaborate.