Dates: July 2019 - August 2019
Why I made this: "Oxy Confessions", an anonymous Facebook page started by Oxy students in October of 2013, contains 34,000+ posts consisting of gossip, strife, and honest opinions about worldly topics. Inspired by Ben Schmidt's Gendered Language in Teacher Reviews, I made this website to reveal Oxy students' attitudes toward various topics in the world.
Tools used: Node.js, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Chart.js
Dates: December 2019 - January 2020
Why I made this:
Everyone has an answer, but no one ever has enough evidence to back it up.
... Yes, I'm talking about comparing the clutchness of NBA players. To accurately evaluate one's clutchness, a wealth of data
across long periods of time is needed.
I built this web app to allow for the comparison of NBA players under different game scenarios,
equiping users with the tools to settle this age-old debate. It pulls data directly from's API,
ensuring that every graph 100% accurate.
Tools used: Flask, nba_api, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Chart.js
Dates: September 2020 - Present
My role:
Oxy Open Source is Oxy's largest computer science club. As the project lead of its website, I head a team of 3 to modernize its appearance,
as well as improve the transparency of club operations.
In terms of appearance, I've made the site responsive across 4k screens and mobile devices, personalized the 'About' page, and coordinated the completion
of minor text-based bugs. To improve club transparency, I've filled in informational gaps in various ways,
such as clarifying, what the club does on the 'Welcome' page, uploading resources from recent
workshops, integrating the events calendar, developing a page that highlights the open source projects the club coordinates,
and creating another page that outlines the club's rich history.
Tools used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Dates: May 2020 - August 2020
My role: Promethium is a cloud BI company based in Menlo Park, California. There, I worked primarily on the company's backend infrastructure, developing various APIs to improve current feature components. One of the prototypes, an AWS Lambda Stepfunction to initialize the execution and retrieval of SQL query results via Presto, was selected to be the primary infrastucture for which asynchronous SQL queries were run in production environments, enabling users to perform long-running queries with 2x faster execution times. I also developed a web application that visualizes status of 10+ repository pipelines and code coverage at a glance.
Tools used: AWS Serverless, AWS DynamoDB, AWS S3, Flask, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Dates: May 2019 - May 2020
My role: I developed applications that automate and accelerate the various facets of web research conducted by the Department of Advancement Services. Working with a 100,000+ constituent filled database, I used a Python Oracle Database client, Selenium, and BeautifulSoup to identify 300+ undetected alumns currently working at companies with matching gift programs, find 50+ deceased alums not yet labeled via named-entity recognition and cross-references with ~30,000 alumns, and create a script to visualizes the shortest path of relatedness between any two school affiliates.
Tools used: Python, Oracle SQL Developer, Selenium, BeautifulSoup